African nationals involved in knife attack, two injured

The ‘internet use’ discussion turned into a fight, L.C.E was arrested, who severely injured P.A.O, who injured him in the arm with a knife, stabbed him 3 times in the back, and P.A.O was taken to the intensive care unit.

The suspect L.C.E, who was arrested on charges of attempted premeditated murder and serious injury, was brought to court.

Police sergeant Mustafa Mahan said that the suspect severely injured P.A.O, who injured him in his left arm, three times in the back with a knife he took from his hand, during a verbal argument due to internet use, in an apartment in Hamitköy at around 16:00 yesterday.

Police also stated that P.A.O is in intensive care. 

The police stated that immediately after the incident, the suspect was identified at the scene and arrested as per a court order.

The police explained that the issue is a serious one and the investigation has just begun, and that the health status of the complainant has not yet been clarified.

The police stated that the name of a person who was at the scene and witnessed the incident during the incident has been reached, but the person has not been identified yet.

The police demanded that the suspect be kept in detention for 1 day, since the issue is a matter of heavy punishment and may adversely affect the investigation if the suspect is released.

The police demanded that the suspect be kept in police custody for 1 day.

Judge Hazal Hacımulla, who evaluated the testimony given in his presence, gave the requested order. 

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