Ercan-Balıkesir highway accident: Suspect arrested appears in court

The suspect Ş.SB, who took security measures on the Ercan-Balıkesir highway and hit 42-year-old officer Mehmet Koçak, who was doing road work, causing serious injury, was arrested and brought to court.

Police officer Mehmet Karasalih, who reported the incident at the court, said that on September 15, on the Ercan-Balıkesir main road Yonca Junction in Balıkesir, the 40-year-old suspect was cruising carelessly towards Ercan Airport on a single-lane road with a TSV 012-plate vehicle.

The police said that Koçak, who worked as a road drawing officer in the road, took the necessary safety precautions and closed the right side with cuckoos and gave sufficient passage from the left side, but the suspect first hit the cuckoos and then Koçak with the right front of his vehicle, resulting in serious injury.

The police said that Mehmet Koçak, who was injured in the accident, was taken to the emergency room of Nicosia State Hospital with the 112 emergency ambulance that came to the scene and was taken under observation in the Intensive Care Service.

The police stated that the suspect confessed to the crime he had committed by giving a voluntary statement on the matter.

The police demanded that the suspect be kept in police custody for 3 days, as the investigation launched into the new and severely injured Mehmet Koçak’s life-threatening danger.

Evaluating the testimony given in his presence, Judge Nil Elodie Govsa ordered the suspect to be detained for 3 days so that the investigation could be conducted safely.

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