Parliament resumes tomorrow with ceremonial meeting

The Assembly of the Republic, which went into summer vacation after its last meeting on June 28, begins its work for the new legislative year tomorrow.

The Assembly of the Republic begins its work for the new legislative year tomorrow.

The Tenth Term, Second Legislative Year of the Assembly of the Republic will begin with a ceremonial meeting to be held at 10:00 tomorrow, the first working day of October, in accordance with Article 6 of the Rules of Procedure.

The General Assembly of the Republic entered the summer recess after its last meeting on 28 June.

During the summer period when the committees continued to work, the General Assembly of the Republic had also convened extraordinarily twice.

While the General Assembly convened on 24 August to discuss the (Special) Law on the Unification of Municipalities; On September 15, President Ersin Tatar informed the Assembly of the Republic about the Cyprus issue.

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