Consumers experience limited domestic bottled gas again

There was a bottleneck gas shortage in the market again. It has become difficult to find domestic bottled gas at some sales points.

It has been learned that the supplier companies use their gas stocks in a ‘limited number’ and ‘controlled’ manner until they are filled.

It was claimed that there was a problem on the grounds that LPG gas belonging to Cyprus Turkish Petroleum did not reach the island on time and the gas was delayed.

In the filling facilities, it was stated that there was a ‘limited sale’ with the expectation that bottled gas would be supplied ‘next week’.

The Ministry of Economy and Energy has not yet made a statement on the subject. 

The bottleneck gas problem, which was experienced ‘on the grounds that the gas supply to the country was not made on time’, started to reflect on the consumers in some markets.

It was learned that some markets received the answer that the home-type bottled gas demanded from the suppliers for sale was not filled.

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