Social, legal and economic problems created by lack of supervision are growing, says Erhürman

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Chairman Tufan Erhürman made an assessment about the number of students in higher education, “The social, legal and economic problems (especially those in the labor market) created by the lack of supervision are growing in both real third-country students and society in general.

“In his social media post, Erhürman said, “The missing information is especially how many of the third-country students are active (i.e. really students) and how many are passive (that is, enrolled as students but not actually related to the university)!”

Here’s that post:

The number of students in higher education approached 110 thousand. There is a decrease in the number of Turkish students and a significant increase in the number of third country students.

Incomplete information, especially how many third-country students are active (i.e. really students) and how many are passive (i.e. enrolled as students but not actually related to the university)!

Without having this information, without sharing it with the society and without doing what is necessary, no one should expect us to rejoice that the number of students has increased!

The social, legal and economic problems created by the lack of supervision (especially those in the labor market) are growing, both in real third-country students and in society in general! Ignoring it, trying to make it invisible, is disgraceful!

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