Court sentence employee arrested for theft to 9 months in prison

Mehmet Ziya Yıldırım, who stole 10 thousand TL from his workplace, was sentenced to 9 months in prison.

The verdict against the accused Mehmet Ziya Yıldırım, who is being held in pre-trial detention for the crime committed, has been announced.

Judge Murat Soytaç announced the unanimous decision of the committee composed of President Fadıl Aksun, Senior Judge Vedia Berkut Barkın and Judge Murat Soytaç, which constitutes the Nicosia Heavy Penal Court.

Soytaç stated that the accused abused the trust placed in him and stole 10 thousand TL, which he obtained from customers at his workplace.

Soytaç emphasized the importance of giving deterrent punishments, stating that the crime for which the accused is convicted is one of the crimes that impose a long-term prison sentence and harm the public.

Judge Soytaç stated that the accused should be given serious deterrent punishment for such crimes and stated that they evaluated the facts in favor and against the accused and sentenced the accused to 9 months in prison for the crimes he had committed.

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