Communal Democracy Party, Famagusta for Cyprus statement on Greek Cypriot arrest

TDP and Famagusta For Cyprus made a joint statement regarding the arrest of Andreas Soudjis, “We guarantee that we will continue to fight until the end for the solution of the Cyprus problem.” it was said.

The Communal Democracy Party (TDP) and Famagusta For Cyprus made a joint statement regarding the arrest of Andreas Soudjis.

In the statement, “With this joint statement, we, as Famagusta for Cyprus” and the “Communal Democracy Party (TDP)”, express our satisfaction for the release of Andreas Soudjis and his return to his family. However, on this occasion, we have to express once again our justified anger and dissatisfaction towards his unfounded arrest and detention in the first place.

The following statements were included in the continuation of the statement, which was called “This chauvinist order hates the peaceful coexistence of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities”:

“That’s why he tries every possible way to scare the peacekeepers on both sides. The vengeful arrest and frustratingly unreasonable detention of Andreas also proves this point.

While Andreas shouted for reconciliation and cooperation, he actually expressed and will continue to express exactly what chauvinist extremists in both communities hate. We assure Andreas and all Cypriots on his behalf that we will continue to fight until the end for the solution of the Cyprus problem. For a common future, a common homeland and peace.”

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